In the morning, a group of us took a bus to the southern part of Florianopolis. This hike was really nice, a 2 hour long hike. I believe it was 5km up and down through hills, bushes, and rocky streams. Reward was some nice views, a lagoon, and a beach. Very relaxing day! There was also another hike on the other side of the lagoon. I recorded 15 minutes from the beach to the top with 200m elevation. It was another hour trek back to the city from a different trail.
Trilha da Boa Vista
This was a trail form Praia Barro to Praia Mole through Galheta. 2.6km trek , took apx 1hr for a jog/walk pace. It has some nice views of the cities and peaks of the park as well as the ocean. The terrain consisted of rocks, hills, bushes, and sand. Elevation gain was only a couple hundred meters.