Below is my review for ORM of this weekends race.
Beast was 23km with 1500m of incline and decline.
Super was a similar course , 15km with 1400m ascend.
Sprint was a similar course, 8km with 1100m ascend.
I did 0 burpees on the beast and sprint, and 60 burpees on the super. I flipped at the end of the balance beam and scratched my back on the end beam , but they said i stil had to do burpees haha. Very fun course, technical terrain especially the long creek runs, and non stop uphill inclines. The sandbag at the end was very long, like 500m in total with the first half being a 20℅ incline.
Ended being 67/1000 at the beast overall, raced in the competitive heat, and qualified for OCRWC. They were giving awards for the open heat as well, if i would have known i could have been first in that wave. Would be cool because they would announce my name and then country of origin!
Link to my ORM review is here:
Poland Race Review. Feel free to contact me if you need other race reviews!